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Mommy Tips

  • Recurso para nuestra Carga Mental como Madres

    , by Carolina Isabel Gonzalez Hernandez Resource for our Mental Load as Mothers

    I present this resource to you for your mental and emotional burden as a mother, for those hard and long days when you feel overwhelmed...

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  • ¡Consigue libros gratis para niños! Te cuento:

    , by Carolina Isabel Gonzalez Hernandez Get free books for children! Let me tell you:

    If your little one likes to read or you want to encourage their love of reading, this is a free option to get children's books

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  • ¿Cómo adaptar rincones de casa para tu peque?

    , by Carolina Isabel Gonzalez Hernandez How to adapt corners of the house for your little one?

    Mom, I'm alone!! It's the phrase I've been hearing at home lately, and I confess, it has cost us some tantrums. Over the 18 months...

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  • Elf on the Shelf español

    , by Carolina Isabel Gonzalez Hernandez Elf on the Shelf: A Christmas Tradition

    What is Elf on the Shelf? Where to buy it? Learn the story of the Christmas elf and an alternative approach you can adapt to...

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  • ¿Cómo hacer un rincón de juegos para tu peque?

    , by Carolina Isabel Gonzalez Hernandez How to make a play corner for your little one?

    I share with you 5 TIPS to create a Play Corner for your little one by taking advantage of and recycling things from home.

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  • Tiempo de autocuidado para mamá

    , by Carolina Isabel Gonzalez Hernandez Self-Care Time: From Ideal to Real Motherhood

    When we become mothers, as in many other facets of our lives, we are victims of stereotypes.   That selfless and loving mother dedicated 24...

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  • Técnicas de Relajación para un Parto en Calma

    , by Carolina Isabel Gonzalez Hernandez Relaxation Techniques for a Calm Childbirth

    At the end of pregnancy, when anxiety can get the better of us and especially during labor, there are certain techniques that can help us...

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  • Fomentar la lectura en tu peque ¿cuándo empezar?

    , by Carolina Isabel Gonzalez Hernandez Encourage reading in your little one, when to start?

    Tips for parents interested in introducing our little ones to reading.

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  • ¿Tener o no tener un Parto respetado?

    , by Carolina Isabel Gonzalez Hernandez To have or not to have a respected Birth?

    I always wanted to live the experience of pregnancy but ironically I was very afraid of childbirth. I learned what a respected birth was and...

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  • Libros para mamis embarazadas

    , by Carolina Isabel Gonzalez Hernandez What to read while you are pregnant?

    4 books that cannot be missing in your first readings as a mom

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